To evolve the Institute as a World Class Institution for developing competent manpower to support and augment efforts of India in creating knowledge-based resources and enriching human values in the present society.
To achieve academic excellence through commitment to learning, innovation in teaching and research, dedication to duty and faith in cultural ethos.
To enable the students to become outstanding professionals with all round physical, mental, social, cultural, spiritual and financial development through ethical standards in order to face the challenges of the new age.
To fulfil the expectations of the society by equipping the students to stand and strive as resourceful citizen and to make them aware of their immense responsibilities to man and nature.
To be a premier Institute with the professed aim of developing the youth as socially responsive, ethically oriented, and empowered professionals through high-tech teaching, research and innovation.
To enhance abilities and skills of faculty members and other academic contributors through faculty development programmes, workshops, seminars, conferences and advanced communicative techniques.
To strengthen industry-institution interface for building a bridge between current advancements in technology, business and commerce.
To disseminate knowledge and wisdom to the learners and make their minds strong enough to make a right decision for the successful life-journey.