Admission Procedure

1. The Information Brochure will be available at the Counter on payment of Rs. 1000. The candidate can also download the Admission Form from the website. Such candidates will submit the Admission Form along with the Bank Draft of Rs. 1000 in favour of SBMN Institute of Management Studies & Research , Asthal Bohar, Rohtak. The Admission Form completed in all respect may be submitted in the Dept.
2. The admissions in the Institution shall be made on Academic Merit or the merit in the Entrance Test conducted by an Agency of the State Government .
3. The candidates should remain in touch for the Entrance Test to be conducted as per the guidelines of the State Government.
4. The Fee Concession for 25% of the students who are residents of Haryana will be as per the approved policy.
5. All admissions are provisional subject to verification of documents and approval by the Competent Authorities.
6. The outlines of courses have been made available on the Institution Website.

Reservation Policy

1. A minimum of 25% seats for admissions are reserved for students of the State of Haryana out of which 10% seats shall be reserved for students belonging to Scheduled Castes of the State of Haryana.

Document Retention

1. The Original Documents submitted by the students for verification of their eligibility are also returned immediately

Schedule of Payment of Fee

1. The Fee will be charged in two Instalments. First Instalment will be paid by the students at the time of admission and second Instalment by 31st January. Students who fail to deposit second instalment by 31st January, will be charged late fee as per the schedule to be notified separately. For old Students, the schedule of payment of fee (without late fee/with late fee) will also be notified separately.

Refund & Cancellation Policy

All requests for cancellation / withdrawal of admission must be made in writing well in time on the prescribed format available from the Director's Office along with the original Fee Receipt. In case, a student withdraws his/her admission within 7 days after last date of admission without late fee, the fee deposited by him/her shall be refunded after deducting Processing Fee. No refund will be admissible in case the candidate applies after the prescribed period of seven days . The students who are admitted with late fee will not be entitled for any refund of fee.